How To Lose Weight As A Vegan : Muscle Building For The Boys! - Muscle Gaining Secrets for the Boysk, so you have been going to the gym 3 - 4 times a week and hammering down those protein shakes, however you will be not Getting any hugegerour still scrawny and want to be brawny here are our top tipsip One: USE significant COMPOUND LIFTS; using huge lift exercises such as squats, deadlifts, chins, and dips will recruit tons of muscle fibreshe more fibres you can recruit in one hit, the more growth hormone you will producet's the growth hormone that is responsible for Getting you HUGEor example it you require significantger arms, we recommend doing chin ups over bicep curls as chin ups hit your lats, biceps, forearms and core releasing a ton of growth hormonen the other hand, a bicep curl will use, well, biceps, and that's pretty much it, so you will not produce nearly the amount of growth hormoneip Two: SLEEP; Aim to get around 8-9 hours sleep per nightleeping is where the magic happenshen you train in the gym your goal is to tear down all the ... [Read More - How To Lose Weight As A Vegan]
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