By now, the baby is considered full term, although he or she has not yet stopped growingn fact the baby continues to gain fat at the rate of half an ounce each and quite day point to ponder is that in general, boys will always weigh more than girls at birthhis is due to among numerous factors, the stature, build and composition of the baby boy should be more superior to that of the baby girlt 37 weeks pregnant, the baby's development is so advanced that he or she has coordination that is strong enough to grasp with his or her own fingershis is at the same time the time when, if shown a light that is bright enough, the baby may fairly well turn towards the source of that light, but in the womb of the motherhe mother to be will when 37 weeks pregnant lose the plug, that is made of mucous and which had been used to seal off infection from the uterushis mucous plug that's thick and yellowish in colour could be at times tinged with blood, that's why it is also referred to as the bloody ... [Read More - Perfect Workout To Build Muscle]

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